Gearing up for the First Ever Heimishe Talent Expo – Kishroni

kISHRONI[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] Yeshiva students from all across the Jewish Brooklyn area will take part in the first ever talent expo designed to showcase their abilities outside of a classroom setting.

Kishroni’s – Talent Show will take place iyH on כ”ד סיון, June 2nd in Borough Park and is geared for boys ages nine through Bar Mitzva.

“We have boys from more than twenty five local yeshivos participating,” reported Rabbi Bornstein, director of Kishroni and a Rebbe/ behavioral therapist in the Ha’or Beacon School, to Yeshiva World News.

“Working with troubled children across the NY area, we saw the need for an organization that helps bring out talents from children who don’t necessarily shine in academics,” says Rabbi Landau who is working alongside Rabbi Bornstein on the event. He is also a Rebbe and a behavioral therapist in the Ha’orBeacon school.

The event will take place iy”H in the yard of PS 192 located on the corner 18th Ave and 47th St.

There are two parts to this event. First, there will be a two hour ‘Models Expo.’ Displayed at the expo will be models that children built in one of the following four sections: Lamed Tes Melachos, Mishnayos, Jewish History and the Mishkon. The sections will be judged by a panel of judges headed by Rabbi Shimon Deutsch of the Living Torah Museum. “The best Mishkon projects will be proudly displayed in the Living Torah Museum,” declared Rabbi Deutsch. “I think this program is important and a great learning experience too.”

Rabbi Bornstein explains the obvious idea behind Kishroni. “Children naturally need to shine. If they don’t shine in the classroom, they will look elsewhere. That can be dangerous. We are giving children the the opportunity to shine in a structured ‘kosher’ environment. Hopefully that gives them the chizuk they need to shine in Torah.”

When questioned about the models being made

Rabbi Bornstein expressed that he has already seen some of the models. ” We were very impressed. One boy built a globe with three pillars supporting it representing Torah, Avoda and Gemilus Chasadim. That will be displayed in the Mishnayos section. Another boy made a matza bakery. A group of boys are working on a concentration camp with barricades and little people in striped pajamas. That’s only a few that I remember off hand -each of them very impressive.”

At the same time as the expo, there will be booths where children coming to see the event can create their own art, origami, design a pin, make a Havdala and more.

The second two hours will be the ‘Live Performances.’ Competitions on the stage will include choirs, music bands, jugglers, acrobats, unicyclists and other talents.

Guests at the event will feature story teller RabbiYitzy Erps, well known magician Reb Dovid Blatt, Reb Yonasan Schwartz and many other children’s favorites. Rabbi Yoily Kar from the J-rut Layil Shishi program will be our guest MC the event.

Rabbi Avraham Meir Klein will be running the musical and singing section. He said, “Boys from all yeshivos including Satmar, Bobov, Boyan, Spink, Rachmistrivka, Pupa, Moshelo, Chasan Sofer,Mevakshei Hashem, Krasna, Ohr Menachem, Mir, Karlin Stolin, Skver, Tiferes Elimelech, Vishnitz, Ger, Eitz Chaim, The Cheder, and Yeshiva of Brooklyn will be participating .”

Rabbi Klein insisted that the boys keep the havara they learned in Yeshiva. “After all we want them to shine in their language.”

In addition, there will be a Chinese auction geared to children. Prizes include a watch, a bike, games, Sefarim, books and other valuables. Rabbi Bornstein created this portion so the “children don’t have to be jealous when the adults circle prizes in the auction booklets that come in the mail.” Tickets to the auction are not included in the entrance fee. They are $3.00 each or 4 for $10.00.

Another fun element will be a kiddy section at the event with a mini moon walk set up for the little toddlers.

Kishroni will be held from 4 PM – 8 PM on June 2nd, outdoors at PS 192 in Borough Park located at 4715 18th Avenue. The whole family is invited.

Admission to the event is only $5 per child. Children under 2 are free. Admition fee includes: The Expo, the live show, and the arts’ section.


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