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Nefesh B’Nefesh Bringing More Jews Home

YW-NBN-2008-21.jpgThe 50th Nefesh B’Nefesh (NBN) aliyah flight is due to land in Eretz Yisrael on Tuesday, 7 Elul 5773. The flight will be carrying 331 North American Olim including 125 young men and women who will be joining the IDF, 41 families (including 88 children), 47 singles and 92 Olim moving to Israel’s periphery.

The standard VIP welcome will take place to greet them, with Absorption Minister Sofa Landver leading the list. IDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Orna Barvibai will also be among the state officials greeting the new immigrants.

The flight is scheduled to land at 06:30 in Ben-Gurion International Airport, Terminal 1, Gate 8 near the old arrivals hall. Only persons registering in advance will be permitted to attend the event.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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