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Housing Minister Visits Betar Illit

beitarHousing Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel has been visiting chareidi communities towards obtaining an understanding regarding the extent of the housing shortage. The minister made an official visit to Betar Illit, escorted by Mayor Rav Meir Rubinstein. The visit began at the entrance to the city, where Ariel planted a tree. Taking part was the minister’s delegation including the head of the Jerusalem District for the ministry Moshe Merchavia, the mayor, and senior City Hall officials.

The delegation was then taken to the city’s command center where they saw how the city addresses security and other primary areas of concern for the safety of residents. They saw a new mikve that is scheduled to open after the first rains IY”H.

When they met to get down to business, Mayor Rubinstein detailed the severity of the housing shortage, which hits young couples particularly hard. Ariel explained “If it were up to me, I would announce here and now that we are building 2,000 additional apartments here. I hope by year’s end to announce that we are moving ahead with hundreds of new apartments”.

Ariel promised to do everything in his power to assist the community and to continue building as quickly as possible.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “Housing Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel has been visiting chareidi communities towards obtaining an understanding regarding the extent of the housing shortage.”

    How did he get to become minister of Housing if he didn’t posess this understanding till now?

    This is just a rhetorical question which requires no answer.

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