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MK Mitzne Accuses Rav Dov Lior Of Incitement


The Bayit Yehudi party this launched attacks against The Movement party and its leader, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni because of the release of 26 Arab terrorists from Israeli prisons. While Bayit Yehudi is a member of the same government as The Movement, it blames Livni, who heads the talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Verbal assaults were launched in and out of Knesset, leading The Movement MK Amram Mitzne to return fire. Mitzne calls Bayit Yehudi MKs “irrational and messianic”, adding they follow Rabbi Dov Lior Shita, who incites with his radical views.

Mitzne’s remarks resulted in some of the Bayit Yehudi faction walking out of the plenum, announcing Bayit Yehudi is acting in a proper democratic fashion while Mitzne is running an incitement campaign against their party.

Joining in for a bit of harmony, Shas’ Yitzchak Cohen calls Bayit Yehudi officials hypocrites for basically being able to dish it out but not take it in return.

Bayit Yehudi’s Uri Orbach calls The Movement a warehouse for spare parts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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