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Israel Police Go on the Offensive Against Illegal Parking

mishIsrael Police on Thursday, 27 Cheshvan 5774 went on the offensive nationwide, targeting drivers who ignore parking spaces designated for disabled drivers.

Israel Police traffic enforcement officials allocated 200 vehicles nationwide to issue summonses to violators, motorists who do not have a problem taking a handicapped spot.

The fine for parking in a parking space designated for a disabled driver is 1,000 NIS.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. and please don’t forget to ticket those who take spaces designated for pedestrians . . . the sidewalk. Many drivers regularly brazenly park on the sidewalk, forcing those with carriages to walk out into the traffic, not to speak about the danger of hitting pedestrians walking along confidently on the sidewalk. They are robbing the public of their rightful space and it’s about time they were taught a lesson.

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