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A Plan to Accommodate Avreichim Seeking Employment

ikea.jpgThe IKEA Company is opening a new branch in northern Israel. The company is willing to hire avreichim willing to work during the predawn hours, paying them a more attractive hourly rate, thereby permitting them to then report to kollel and sit and learn later in the day.

Askanim are working to close a deal with the company that will make this opportunity to interested avreichim. Advertisements have been appearing in Haifa as Rav Alper is trying to determine if local avreichim will be interested in such an arrangement as IKEA plans to open its newest branch in Israel in three months, in Kiryat Ata.

The plan has the blessings of prominent shareholder and askan Rav Yaakov Shalom Fischer and IKEA is gradually enlisting a workforce of 400 employees for the new branch. They will be trained in the company’s new nationwide training facility. IKEA CEO Shlomei Gabbai is cooperating with R’ Fischer and others to advance the program.

Alper is trying to enlist chareidim seeking fulltime employment along with avreichim who would be willing to undertake the additional load to increase their income. Those signing up are being promised an attractive wage package due to the off-hour demands.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Fantastic Idea! Since many chareidim are not pulled to the north cus of a lack of working opportunities for them. There’s great housing opportunity in the north also a lot cheaper than the center and yerushalayim. Hope it works out!

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