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Gov. Cuomo Wishes The Jewish Community A Joyous Chanukah

The following is a statement by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on the start of the Jewish holiday of Chanukah – Festival of Lights:

“This evening at sundown, members of the Jewish community in New York State will begin the celebration of Hanukkah.

“Hanukkah is a commemoration of the dedication and resilience of the Jewish people who faced adversity and persecution with fierce determination.

“As New Yorkers, we have been tested over and over but the message of Hanukkah teaches us to commit to build back better and stronger.

“I join with all New Yorkers in honoring the lessons of Hanukkah and commend the willingness of the people of our state to come together during challenging times to create a safer and stronger community for all.

“Best wishes for joyous and safe holiday.”

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Thanks andy for not using the term “thanksgivukkah” and giving us some stupid message about “the dual lessons of both holidays” that seem to be coming out of the mouths of all the UWS hyper-lib so called “rabbis.”

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