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Greenfield Applauds Appointment of Commissioner Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as Deputy Mayor of HHS

20131212-133750.jpgCouncilman David G. Greenfield today praised Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s appointment of Department for the Aging Commissioner Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as his deputy mayor of Health and Human Services. Councilman Greenfield worked closely with Commissioner Barrios-Paoli in his role as Chairman of the Council’s Committee on Senior Centers and has praised her numerous times in the past as being the best commissioner in the Bloomberg administration. He also traveled with her to Albany to successfully fight against budget cuts that would have forced local senior centers to close.

“The appointment of Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services is an outstanding choice by Mayor-elect de Blasio. I have worked alongside Ms. Barrios-Paoli closely in her role as Department for the Aging commissioner and have always viewed her as the best commissioner in the Bloomberg administration. She deeply cares about seniors and needy New Yorkers. I am thrilled with this news on behalf of all New Yorkers who will benefit in the coming years from her vast experience and devotion to improving this city for everyone. I must say, I am extremely impressed by Mayor-elect de Blasio’s appointments so far and am very excited for our city’s future under his leadership,” said Councilman Greenfield.

This is the fifth appointment so far by Mayor-elect de Blasio. He previously named William Bratton as police commissioner, Anthony Shorris as his first deputy mayor, Emma Wolfe as director of intergovernmental affairs and Dominic Williams as chief of staff to Mr. Shorris.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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