Israel: Moving to Daylight Savings Time this Week

clockIn line with the new law, Israel moves to daylight savings time on 26 Adar II 5774, which corresponds to Thursday night to Friday morning March 27, 2014.

The law states that on the last Friday in March, at 02:00, we move clocks ahead one hour to 03:00.

DST will continue until 2 Cheshvan 5775 (October 26, 2014), as the law states DST continues until the last Sunday before Yom Kippur at 02:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “DST will continue until 2 Cheshvan 5775 (October 26, 2014), as the law states DST continues until the last Sunday before Yom Kippur at 02:00.”

    Huh?!? How is 2 Cheshvan before Yom Kippur?

  2. And can anyone here tell me why it is done on Thursday night?

    That’s because the “goyishe medinah” (which is looking to shmad as many people as possible) wants to avoid as much chillul Shabbos as possible.

    Now go put your anti-Israel spin on that, Kuperman! (You’re not learning any Torah anyway…).

  3. Not sure what calendar you guys use, but on my calendar Yom Kippur always happens in Tishrei, not Cheshvan, and I am pretty certain that October 26 this year is well after Yom Kippur. Maybe you guys missed the changes in the law in the last two years that DST no longer ends before Yom Kippur.

  4. Huh?????!! October 26, 2014 is 2 Sundays after Sukkos. Well….! Not sure where יום כיפור falls……?!?!? (Just joking)
    The goyshe Medina is becoming better and better….. 🙁

  5. The Yeshiva World made a mistake in their report and its the “goyshe Medina’s” fault?

    Daylight savings is not connected to Yom Kippur at all anymore. Its the last Sunday in October.

  6. I do not understand The Sunday before Yom Kippur is September 28, 2014 not Oct 26, 2014 and the Hebrew date is 4 Elul 5778 ( Tzom Gedalia) not 2 Chesvon

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