VIDEO: Israel Police Have Turned Kever David HaMelech into a Church


It appears that despite the authoritative statement made by Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich that Kever Dovid HaMelech will not be given to the Vatican; the opposite appears to be the case. The minister assures the tzibur that the room above the tziyun known by the Vatican as the Last Supper Room will not be given to the Vatican despite reports to the contrary in the European media.

However, facts on the ground speak for themselves as police have detained a Jew seeking to enter the room, telling him the area is a church. It appears police already have their orders, to keep Jews from the area the leader of the State of Israel view as a church, and they may chas v’sholom prevent Jews from entering and possibly hand it over to Vatican authorities during Pope Francis’ visit to Israel next week.

Talmid Aaron Guzlon explains he has been going to the room in question on mornings wearing his tefilin. On Tuesday, 20 Iyar the guard told him that he may not enter wearing tefilin and police were summoned.

“I entered without tefilin and the guard shadowed me into the Last Supper Room. The guard then pointed at me when police arrive. I was then arrested” Guzlon explains.

Others report the room has for all practical purposes become off limits to Jews. This added to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s silence on the matter has many concerned that the prime minister may chas v’sholom make this site a gift to the Vatican during the upcoming papal visit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Or maybe the police are just cordoning off the room to do security sweeps and keep it sanitized until after the Pope leaves.

    Paranoia runs deep.

  2. Bibi only seeks power, prestige, & wealth. He will do anything to maintain his PM title. DON’T TRUST HIM!!!

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