Commissioner Bratton Endorses Use of Drones for Police Work

bratPolice drones may some day take flight in the city.

White testifying before the City Council, Police Commissioner William Bratton endorsed the idea of using drones, saying the technology could be helpful in fighting crime, responding to disasters and combating terrorism.

“Myself, I am supportive of the concept of drones, not only for police, but for public safety in general. Fighting fires in the city for example—the ability to have an aerial view over a fire scene I think would increase significantly the abilities of the department to understand the potential spread,” he said.

He says the NYPD does not currently have any drones, but is keeping its eye on the developing technology.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. Unless the drones are being used to shoot people, no one object to drones being used by law enforcement and public safety agencies EXCEPT for the FAA which is the agency responsible to keep things flying in the air from crashing into other things flying in the air, and already seems to have enough of a problem with birds crashing into airplanes.

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