Deri Commits to Lock in Second Slot for Yishai

shasThere appears to be disunity plaguing the higher echelon of the Shas party with elections nearing as some of the senior officials are threatening to leave. Seeking to allay the fears of voters loyal to the party, Shas leader Aryeh Deri used a Channel 10 News interview to inform the public that the number two slot on the lineup will be secured for Eli Yishai and if Shas enters the coalition, Yishai will serve as a senior cabinet minister.

Despite recent statements that he (Deri) will not dismiss anyone, he told Channel 10 that the public is going to see some new faces in the party’s lineup in the upcoming elections.

Deri’s interview comes on the heels of an announcement from HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz, who stated if the party cannot get itself together and show achdus, he is disassociating himself with Shas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Deri what your announcement should’ve been: Deri drops out and Yishai has once again stepped into the lead position of Shas. That would be a big bracha considering you are a two-faced snake that sided with the withdraw from Gush Katif and other faulty moves. These were your moves not ones that the Rav,ztk”l gave his bracha too. Hagaon HaRav Meir Mazuz has never trusted you Deri and that is why he wanted Rav Amsellem in the Shas party as he smelled you were a snake and would do harm to the Shas party. Yishai was on an ego-trip so he couldn’t see what Rav Mazuz had warned him about – you Deri!! You too are all about yourself and not the Sephardic party that the Rav,ztk”l had worked himself to a frenzy to build and now you alone are destroying. Step out of the arena and let those that know how to run a party, run the party. Take a long trip to Morocco and stay there as they possibly will appreciate you.

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