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elPolls closed in Israel a short time ago, at 22:00, bringing an end to the voting for 20th Knesset. The following is the Channel 2 News exit poll, which was conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach.

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 28 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15) (6)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Kulanu: 9 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 8 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0

The following is the Knesset Channel:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Likud: 26 (18)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 9 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

The following is the Channel 10 News exit poll, which was conducted by Prof. Camil Fuchs:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 27 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 11 (19)

Bayit Yehudi: 8 (12)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Yahadut Hatorah: 7 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

The following is the Channel 1 News exit poll, which was conducted by TNS Teleseker:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 27 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Arab Bloc: 12 (11)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 9 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. “I recently receiving reliable information from one of the sample polls, indicating that Yachad is missing a few thousand votes in order to pass the voting threshold. If there is no Yachad, there is no right wing,” Yishai wrote on Facebook

  2. The numbers consistently suggest that:

    1. Likud can form a government of all Right wing parties if it include Kulanu (no problem) and either Yesh Atid (as per the last Kenesset, which didn’t end well) or the Hareidim (which will alienate Yisrael Beinteinu, and possibly many more on the Right who in the last Kenesset insisted on conscrpiting hareidim).

    2. Labor can form a government excluding the Right if it can manage to include the hareidim and Arabs, but that will involve a solution on conscription acceptable to the hareidim adn Arabs.

    3. Labor and Likud can easily form a “grand coalition” and keep the patronage for themselves, but their leaders can’t stand each other.

  3. to #5: Very simple. With the new higher threshold to get in, if you’re not big enough to get 4, all your votes are wasted. So Eli Yishai’s breakoff, if he doesn’t make it in, will have cost the chareidim 3 seats. And with the Bnai Torah party in Yerushalayim not recommending anyone, that probably cost UTJ one or two seats at least.

  4. It appears that many hareidim either boycotted or wasted their votes. Also Arab turnout was apparently higher. Also it appeared that Shas lost significant votes (to Yachad and Kulanu).

    Herzog doesn’t get to become Prime Minister unless the “Right” refuses to include the hareidim in the government (meaning cancelling the conscription of yeshiva students). They could try to recruit Lapid as opposed to the hareidim but that might get tricky.

  5. B”H we have our Israel political commentator (Kuperman) willing and able to take time out from his Torah learning to keep us informed about the evils of taking people away from learning and putting them into the army. If only more people could sacrifice their own learning for the sake of the tzibbur as he does, what a wonderful world this would be!

  6. Yishai’s Yachad party add only two Chareidi MKs. The other two are religious zionists. So the Chareidim have a net loss in MKs from last time even if Yishai gets in.

  7. Yanky55 – this is the first time I’ve been compelled to comment directly to a responder.
    Kol Hakavod!!!!!!
    So many times I’ve wasted precious moments reading Kuperman’s superficial, agenda-driven nonsense which he (she?) spouts continuously ad nauseum, and wondered, does he (she?) get paid to make stuff up and put it out there as if it is the result of informed analysis?

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