Chief Rabbinate of Israel Council Fighting High Court Ruling Regarding Reform Convert

icrThe Chief Rabbinate of Israel Council is launching its battle against the recent High Court of Justice ruling in which the Beersheva Religious Council is instructed to permit a Reform convert toivel in front of a Reform beis din.

It appears that during a meeting last week, the council decided to instruct local religious councils nationwide to prohibit any convert from toiveling in public mikvaos, including Orthodox candidates for giyur recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. The council feels this decision eliminates the contention of discrimination against one stream over another.

It is yet to be determined if the Chief Rabbinate Council has the legal right to instruct religious councils nationwide to follow such an order. This too is likely o challenged in the High Court.

The Chief Rabbinate Council is hopeful the frum candidates for conversion will now use private mikvaos, which do not have to permit Reform and Conversion candidates toivel at all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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