John McCain says he shares the same concerns as Mitt Romney about GOP front runner Donald Trump.
In a statement Thursday, the 2008 GOP nominee is pointing to the 70 Republican defense and foreign policy leaders who have raised concerns about Trump’s “uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues.”
McCain said that with threats from Russia, Iran, North Korea and terrorist movements across the Middle East and Africa, Republican voters should pay close attention to what these national security experts are saying about Trump.
McCain said voters should “think long and hard about who they want to be our next commander in chief.”
He told reporters Monday, however, that he’d support whomever Republicans nominate for president.
The following is the full statement as given to YWN:
U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on the state of the Republican presidential primary campaign:
“I share the concerns about Donald Trump that my friend and former Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, described in his speech today. I would also echo the many concerns about Mr. Trump’s uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues that have been raised by 65 Republican defense and foreign policy leaders.
“At a time when our world has never been more complex or more in danger, as we watch the threatening actions of a neo-imperial Russia, an assertive China, an expansionist Iran, an insane North Korean ruler, and terrorist movements that are metastasizing across the Middle East and Africa, I want Republican voters to pay close attention to what our party’s most respected and knowledgeable leaders and national security experts are saying about Mr. Trump, and to think long and hard about who they want to be our next Commander-in-Chief and leader of the free world.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
8 Responses
At the rate things are going, lets say Trump is nominated as the GOP canidate, what do you think swing voters or non Trump GOP supporters are going to do after they hear this vile from Romney and McCain?!?!?
They will probably vote for the other candidate.
As ‘bad’ as Trump might be, he is still better than a hillary (lower case) or a Bernie Sanders.
Mitt Romney and John McCain are 2 desperate losers that couldn’t beat the Dems and Obama.
Its time for something else.
GO TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!
Two failed candidates playing sour grapes against the only guy loud enough to beat Hillarious.
Trump is much worse than Hillary. As a Republican I will never vote for him. I will follow the advice of Republicans like Christie Todd Whittman and hold my nose and vote for Hillary. Trump must be stopped.
Another looser… and one good governor they do have has endorsed Trump.
Now I will definitely vote for Trump since the RINO Mccain and desperate Romney (both losers to a anti-Semitic guy) will vote for Hillary.
Two failures going against trump. I’m just scratching my head? Are these people just stupid. America hates you, stupids that’s why you both weren’t presidents. And to boot you lost against Obama?!?!?!?!? So get a life you stupid elitist who think you have a right to dictate you’re will on the American people!!!!
Does any Thinking person Really Think Trump is competent for the White House?! The men that have spent their careers in government offices seem Genuinely Concerned, to have this Out-Of-Control Low Life in charge. Trump is a madman that must be stopped! If he’s elected there is No Doubt, he’ll be impeached by congress! Why doesn’t he go back to what he was doing? Building luxury hotels! A Very Noble endeavor!
Just imagine a cabinet meeting. Anybody who doesn’t agree with his craziness will be told “get him out”! Everybody around him, seems to be his puppets! His sons look like they have been following orders. Even the shameless Cristie, has lost his identity and became subservient to the Greed Obsessor!