Ever since Azriel Gross was a young boy he wanted to help others. As he grew up he took the steps needed to make his dream a reality. He took the courses necessary, got himself certified and joined United Hatzalah in Petach Tikvah. He managed to juggle his day job his growing family and the frequent emergency calls.
Azriel’s wife, Hindy was progressing nicely through an uneventful pregnancy until a routine ultrasound scan prior to her scheduled c-section revealed something disturbing. The ultrasound revealed their as of yet unborn daughter grasping something in her tiny hand and waving it at the screen of the ultrasound monitor, Not sure what the unusual apparition was doctors scheduled an immediate emergency c-section.
Following the surgery the doctors discovered that not only had the now healthy infant been holding a 7cm long potential life-threatening blood clot it’s on-screen antics convinced the doctors to operate and reveal a freshly ruptured placenta, a condition that threatened the life of the mother and baby.
Even non-religious Israeli media dubbed the baby “The Youngest Lifesaver” crediting Azriel’s lifesaving activities with United Hatzalah as a merit for the miraculous lifesaving activities of the baby. Azriel gave credit to Hakodesh Boruch Hu for the Hand of Hashem that saved the life of his wife and baby.
(YWN Desk – Jerusalem)
2 Responses
mazel Tov. Loads and loads of simchas and nachas.
wow! b”h mommy and baby are ok 🙂 may she grow up to be a great source of nachas to her parents and the whole klal.