12:20AM EST: A Frum person has just been shot in Williamsburg’s Jewish Community, YWN has learned.
The shooting occurred at 156 South 9th Street, near Driggs Avenue.
Williamsburg Shomrim are calling for Hatzolah to expedite their response.
UPDATE 12:32AM EST: Hatzolah Paramedics are on the scene, and treating the victim with a gunshot wound to the chest. His exact condition is still unknown.
Shomrim are looking for a white cargo van with commercial license plate # EV96489.
If you saw anything, or have seen this van please call 911 and then Shomrim at 718-237-0202.
UPDATE 4:47AM EST: The victim was taken to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, and reported to be in stable condition.
The van was located by Shomrim on Franklin Avenue near Jefferson Avenue.
A highly credible source tells YWN that the NYPD has no motive for the shooting, and no words were exchanged when the suspect drove past and fired his weapon.
Further details will be posted as they are available to us.
(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)
2 Responses
Please daven for Boruch Yehuda ben Hinda (Halberstam).
He is the grandson of Reb Moshe Halberstam ZT”L from the Eida Chareidis.
Refuah Shelamah!