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Bnei Brak: Dan Buses Carry Ads Which Are Upsetting Residents

scoop.jpgAccording to a report by Arutz 7, Dan buses that have routes in Chareidi neighborhoods have started carrying advertisements on them that are obviously targeting those that live there. The report, (which quotes Scoop News) claims that the ads which say “Real Israelis Don’t Evade the Draft,” were deliberately placed on buses that drive through the Chareidi neighborhood of Bnei Brak.

Scoop called the campaign “vulgar” and said that Frum campaigns are commonly derided as attempts to coerce the secular public into observance, but anti-religious campaigns in the center of Bnei Brak are allowed. It also says the campaign constitutes incitement and will pit young people against their parents.

Two weeks ago, Egged buses refused to cooperate with a campaign mocking Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for going to Annapolis to avoid the police investigations against him.

(Source: Arutz 7 / Photo By: Scoop News)

21 Responses

  1. The Rabbis should instruct the residents that it is forbidden to look at a bus,but permitted to throw stones.They have a selective frumkeit. It’s not a dirty picture, it’s not vulgar.It IS the law and it is the government. Fight back by putting up their opinions and kiruv ads on the other buses. It’s not hate,it is opinion.

  2. to ‘proud khal adath jeshurun- white hebrew torah im derech eretz guy’: what is wrong with looking at a bus? who is ‘they’? which rabbis are you referring to? try looking up the source yourself and see if the word used is traslated vulgar. I have other q’s on your post, but I’ll stop here.

  3. btw, I checked and found the word “provocative” not “vulgar” used. no curse words were used. please note.

  4. a sound voice,, what is ‘white hebrew torah im derech eretz guy’ – have we added another catagory to klal yisroel?, guess he doesnt share your point of view! BTW are you the ‘black yiddish torah im churah guy’?

  5. Yep, “real” Yisraelim serve in the army. Un huh. They then run away after their mandatory service, with plans on never returning (fifty percent!).

    Sound’s like “we turn “real” Yisraelim, into real American, Indian, ect. wannabees”, would be more accurate.

  6. to bklynmom- if you can’t figure it out- “w.h. t.i.d.e” are roshei teivos. I didn’t make anything up. sorry, I just realised that w.h. stands for Washington Heights(also). you can keep the chura (bytic?)

  7. I couldn’t agree with the advertisement more. Real Jews are moser nefesh to protect other Jews. Real Jews learn Torah, keep shabbos, and serve in the IDF.

    More importantly, real Jews who are honestly following the advice of their rebbeim and are learning yomam v’layla instead of serving in the IDF, show hakoras hatovah to their fellow Jews (whether from or not) who risk their lives to protect us.

  8. What is wrong with that ad? It is true, Israelis do not evade the draft, Chareidim do.
    Most Chareidim I know would happily tell you, “I may live in Eretz Yisroel, but I certainly am not an Israeli.”
    So, the ad is simply stating a harmless fact.

  9. Don’t insult the real KAJ by assuming that this cinical being is from Breuers.
    It is Motzi Shem Ra and leaves a bad taste.
    All communities should like KAJ – a small memory of what shuls used to look like once upon a time.

    This forum should be used to promote ahavas yisroel not the opposite.

  10. As was pointed out during the recent Lebanon War, the vast majority of those killed were either national religious (highy motivated) or from lowly socio-econimic backgrounds (highly taken advantage of).

    The upper class folks from North Tel Aviv make sure to arrange cushy jobs for their kids, far away from the front.

    “Real Israelis Dont Evade the Draft” Sure, they serve in really DANGEROUS positions like army newspaper reporter, like Ehud Olmert did!

  11. DM – I do not remember the stats, but, their are many more (in numbers probably not %’s) of the non-Torah observant crowd that get exemptions

  12. truth be told,
    Such nonsense! Where did you get your data?esides, jews who serve in the IDF and leave, are better than jews who don’t serve in the IDF and stay!

  13. daxy,

    Please stick to the issue. The data comes from none other than the IDF themselves.

    Who is talking about Playing G-d and deciding who is a beter person. Again: Is the definition a real Israeli, one who leaves not to return?!?

  14. Chareidim think that their blood is redder than the ‘secular Israelis’. This my friend is sick and we my friends, are the real disgusting ones here. It hurts me to say it, but it’s the truth.

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