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Project Chazon Announces The Revolutionary “Kollel Hashkomo” Mentoring Program

With gratitude to Hashem, Project Chazon is pleased to inform Brooklyn area parents and rabbeim of the launching of the “Kollel Hashkomo” program. This morning mentoring program pairs Kollel yungeleit with yeshiva students in grades 8-12 to prepare them to qualify for entry into quality high schools and batei medrash programs. It is designed to expand the yeshiva bochur’s existing learning environment and provide outstanding leadership opportunities for tomorrow’s future educators.

It is a quite common to find bochurim struggling with their learning who are constantly trying to “catch up.” More often than not, these boys may lack suitable mentors who are available to them on a regular basis to assist them with their learning. These students end up lagging behind their peers and generally become frustrated and disinterested in their studies.

Kollel Hashkomo currently pays 25 avreichim who are already learning each morning in different Batei Medrash in Flatbush. However, instead of learning with peers, these avreichim are matched with the young yeshiva bochurim for a 3 month mentor-ship. The daily seder is from 7:00 -7:45 am and is followed by Shacharis with the local minyan.

Many local yeshivas have been informed about Kollel Hashkomo and have enthusiastically embraced it. The program will be carefully supervised and bochrim are strictly monitored for attendance in both the learning program and davening with minyan.

Kollel Hashkomo allows struggling bochurim to establish a solid lifelong relationship with a Torah mentor who will help guide him in his studies and bring him up to par with his classmates. As the bochur’s self esteem is slowly reestablished, his passion for Torah learning will hopefully be reignited as well. Because this novel learning environment is so non-threatening, students will feel comfortable asking the “silly” questions they really need to ask but are too intimidated to actually do so.

Currently enrolled Kollel Hashkomo students are “shteiging” by leaps and bounds. Rabbeim, parents and the boys themselves agree that they are flourishing and no longer act like second class citizens in their own classrooms. These bochurim are meeting and even surpassing their own goals due to the undeniable benefits of their quality mentorship. Now, when these boys enter their classrooms every morning, they do so with their heads proudly raised!

If you are interested in finding out if this program is right for your son, please contact R’ Shai Markowitzat [email protected] or at (718) 648-4555 x13. After all, every bochur deserves the chance to discover his true learning potential!

6 Responses

  1. Great idea, project chazon have been innovators on many fronts, thank you for the courage to DO SOMETHING in a proactive sense.

  2. I have a brother that was part of this program when it was doing its trial run after Pesach . His Rebbe would give out a soda every day to the boy that knew the material the best. My brother had not won the soda a single time till Pesach. After a month of learning with his chavrusa, he got soda every day for two weeks straight. I had never seen him so proud.
    Amazing amazing organization…. they’ve given my parents a tremendous amount of nachas from him.

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