Seeking To Prevent Protest At Nachal-Chareidi Kosel Swearing-In Ceremony

A swearing-in ceremony is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 27 Nissan at the Kosel for 130 soldiers of the Netzach Yehuda Battalion, more commonly known as Nachal Chareidi. The ceremony includes 80 chareidim.

According to information received by IDF officials, there is a possibility that extremist elements plan to come to disrupt the event, which they feel contains a component of “religious coercion” since it has become customary for Nachal Chareidi soldiers to sing “Ani Ma’amin” in addition to Hatikvah. The protesters, secular extremists, feel singing Ani Ma’amin is representative of “religious coercion”.

This being the case, there is a possibility that the plaza area will be closed to anyone who is not approved by the officer in charge of the event.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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