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Modi’in Municipal Inspectors Crack Down on Littering in Public Parks – Chareidim are Shouting “Discrimination”

“The Municipality of Modi’in is harassing the chareidim”, claim families visiting parks in the city, complaints heard from chareidim of nearby Modi’in Illit. The Annaba Park in Modi’in is a favorite for chareidi families, especially now, during bein hazmanim.

According to a Kikar Shabbos report, families of bnei Torah visited the park during bein hazmanim and as a result, they were “severely punished”.

A mother of seven is quoted explaining she was seated in the park with her family and a few pieces of “bomba” fell to the ground from the bag. She added that immediately after, as if he was waiting, a city inspector appeared and issued her a fine for littering in the amount of NIS 320. She feels that the chareidim are being targeted, for certainly, “one cannot expect that nothing will fall from a bag” of snack food.

Complains have also reached the desk of the Knesset’s ombudsman dealing with complaints from the public, MK Yisrael Eichler. Some explain the level of enforcement is
“cruel” for it is understood one should not litter, but when a few pieces of a snack hit the ground, which happens with all children, inspectors are merciless.

Eichler responded, “The spirit of anti-Semitism spreading in Israel is liable to affect every mayor and every inspector, and anyone who wants, can suppress chareidi Jewry in the Holy Land. This must be uprooted from its core”.

The report adds the Municipality of Modi’in was asked to comment, but no response was received.

The shouts of anti-chareidi regarding the Annaba Park is an annual event as it remains a major free attraction for residents of Modi’in, who in most cases are trying to occupy children during bein hazmanim on an extremely limited budget.

On the other side of the coin, residents of Modi’in, a primarily non-religious city with a dati leumi community, feel that they pay taxes and wish to benefit from this major park, and when vacation times comes, with the children, the park in flooded with outside residents and they are not permitted to enjoy the park as they would like to.

Recently, shouts of “anti-chareidi” were heard from Bnei Brak residents, after nearby Givat Shmuel officials announced the local park would close to non-residents. The case reached the desk of Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, who ordered a probe. Ultimately, city officials backed down and the park is now open to all, residents and non-residents alike.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, many Chareidy families, in America too not only in Israel, really need to train their kids to clean up after themselves and not throw stuff on the ground. I know its hard when we have large families but the dirt is awful and a chilul Hashem. I’ve seen frum teenagers simply throw wrappers from good on the ground. What a disgrace!

    In a certain very frum place in Israel it is cringeworthy just walking the streets and encountering all the garbage. Parents, please have extra bags to dispose of the wrappers and garbage wherever you go. And even in your own heimishe bungalow colonies and on your own properties teach your kids to throw out their garbage so they will have good chinuch in this regard.

  2. Unfortunately, there are many Chareidy families, in America too not only in Israel, really need to train their kids to clean up after themselves and not throw stuff on the ground. I know its hard when we have large families but the dirt is awful and a chilul Hashem. I’ve seen frum teenagers simply throw wrappers from good on the ground. What a disgrace!

    In a certain very frum place in Israel it is cringeworthy just walking the streets and encountering all the garbage. Parents, please have extra bags to dispose of the wrappers and garbage wherever you go. And even in your own heimishe bungalow colonies and on your own properties teach your kids to throw out their garbage so they will have good chinuch in this regard.

  3. Who’s targeting who? Maybe the charedim are targeting the Parks in non charedi areas, throwing garbage in it. It hardly happens the other way around for some reason.
    Look in the mirror for a change you may find some interesting things there.


    This is a Chelm story.
    This country has litter all over the place and never cares.
    It’s attack the religious whenever you get a chance. I’m not jealous of their place in Geheynom

  5. There’s a very simple solution for how to deal with your kids dropping stuff on the ground in the park: lean over and pick it up, then throw it in the trash can. No one expects a four-year-old to be a neat freak – that’s why there are adults in charge. And make sure you set a good example yourself.

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