Defense Minister Lieberman Backs Golan’s Candidacy to Become IDF Chief Despite Objections from Bereaved Parents

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday, 2 Elul, came out in support of Major-General’s Yair Golan, who is a candidate to become the next IDF chief of staff. Lieberman said, “The slander campaign against him in recent days is not appropriate,” and clarifies that “it will have no effect on the procedure for appointing the chief of staff.”

Regarding reports pertaining to his failures as an officer, Lieberman tweeted he is “an excellent officer and a brave commander who devoted his life to the security of the State of Israel.”

On Sunday, Rosh Chodes Elul, about 100 bereaved families representing the “Choosing Life” campaign, sent a letter to the defense minister demanding that he not appoint Major-General Yair Golan as chief of staff after he made a series of “outrageous” statements. Behind the letter causing the storm are Merav Hajaj, parents of soldier Shir HY”D, who was murdered in a terror attack in the Armon HaNatziv area of Yerushalayim.

“From statements made by Major-General Golan, a worrisome picture emerges of a commander willing to take unnecessary risks in the lives of our soldiers while comparing our country to Nazi Germany, etc. As parents, brothers and bereaved spouses, these quotes are of great concern to us,” the letter said after the names of the four candidates for the military’s top post were released last week.

It also states that “Golan’s remarks raise a worrying picture that there is a chance that he would sometimes prefer to see the soldiers murdered, because the terrorist’s intention is not known until the moment of the attack.”

The families urge Lieberman not to consider Golan among the candidates for the post.

In 2016, during a ceremony, Golan compared Israel today to Nazi Germany. His remarks led to harsh criticism as he said today, in Israel, there a re some parallels pertaining to what occurred in Nazi Germany.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I suspect this minister to just have a Jewish family name, but in reality he’s not Jewish.
    “Are Jews those who follow my Laws”. How many in the Knesset are following “The Laws” ?
    We have assisted two significant miracles these last 6 months:
    The return of Jerusalem as our Capital and the New Nationality Law which contains The Jewish Calendar,
    The Shabbat and The Yom tov.
    Next Big Event: The coming of Moshiah. Amen.

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