Channel 2 Poll: Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s Popularity Drops

lapidAccording to a Channel 2 poll published on Wednesday, 28 Iyar 5773, Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s popularity is dropping as a result of his proposed state budget, which contains many harsh fiscal realities for citizens.

· 42% of respondents feel his performance is not good.

· 31% of respondents feel his performance is mediocre.

· 21% of respondents feel his performance is good.

· 50% of respondents feel it was a mistake appointing Lapid as finance minister.

· 47% of those who voted for Lapid signal if elections were held today, they would vote for him again.

In a similar poll released by Channel 10 News, it shows that 65% of voters feel Lapid is not remaining loyal to his election promises. When asked to grade the minister’s performance, 47% responded “bad”, 20% “good” and 33% “fair”. 38% of Lapid voters stated they will not vote for him again in the future while 47% stated they would.

In the meantime, the social equality protests dubbed “Cottage Cheese Protests” in the summer of 2011 are reawakening in light of the threats to so many families by proposed government cuts. Announcing the “warning shot” in the battle, using social media networks to get the message out, activists on Thursday night Rosh Chodesh Sivan are planning to sleep outside Lapid’s home as a warning sign of what awaits if he continues with the proposed budget. Plans are in the works to resume socioeconomic protests around the country as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. No news here…Hashem always protects Torah-true Yiddin from those who hate them. I the near future he’ll be history. B”H

  2. What scares Natanyahu (and the Religious Zionists) the most, is the possibility that his alliance with Lapid will alienate both the hareidim and the “populist” elements (who want liberal “social” spending) that have supported Likud, and lead in the next election to a coalition led by Labor with the support the Hareidi parties.

  3. Yelling @ Lapid & Bennet is rediculous..
    1. Every penny anyone gets from the government they should say thank you for!!! its not their responsibility to support you. GET A JOB and Contribute… Anyone that doesnt work shouldnt get a penny!!!
    2. Pretend this was your house, and you had credit card debt would you be giving out $$$?
    3. People are kvetching baout the monthly child allowance – WHO asked you to have x kids– its your call – DONT have kids if you CANT afford kids!!!!!!!!!

  4. RamatShilo, YOU SAID ANYONE WHO DOESN’T WORK SHOULD NOT GET A PENNY. I agreed with you but if one person is working in a household that should qualify the household for benefits. Second this rasha is taxing fruits and vegetable and Israeli basic. No normal country taxes basic. Maybe we will tax bread and flour, milk and cheese. Remember charedi have big families but they pay big taxes for diapers, juices, formula etc. Plus give buses work, taxis,etc Stop the needless hatred

  5. #3-4 — You are confusing the issues. The protests aren’t against Lapid anti-Hareidi policies (which in spite of his claims to the contrary reflect bigotry not economics) — they are about Lapid’s economic policies (very similar to America’s “compassionate conservative” minus the “compassionate” part). IN ADDITION to bash the Bnei Torah, he is ALSO try to dismantle Israel’s welfare state (which resembles the level of benefits of the richest European countries, but with an economy that is only border-line above Third World levels). Politically, if those who favor the Welfare State, ally with the Hareidim, they might be able to vote the current coalition out of office.

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