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Tzvika Fogel: Hamas is Motivated and has the Ability

Tzvika Fogel, a former IDF brigadier-general serving in Gaza told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Monday morning that Hamas is “motivated” and has the ability to “continue attacks” against Israel.

Fogel stated the government is moving ahead with a message “trust us,” but this is not sufficient. The retired senior commander added the well-being of citizens of Israel must take priority over the citizens of Gaza.

When asked “Aren’t we targeting terrorists in Gaza?” he stated what is being done is not satisfactory. Fogel explained that what Hamas “cares about are tunnels, infrastructure and its leaders” and they are not being targeted.

Fogel explained we can and perhaps should talk with Hamas but the terror organization first must understand that it has something to gain be coming to the negotiating table with Israel, and this can only be accomplished by changing the current strategy of the government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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