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TERROR AVERTED: Jerusalem Police Stop Car Containing Machine Guns & Hundreds of Rounds of Ammunition

Once again, the alertness of border police stationed at a Jerusalem area border checkpoint led to preventing what may have been a major terrorist attack. In this latest case, border police found three automatic weapons, magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in a vehicle which was occupied by a family; dad, mom, a young girl and a newborn infant. The vehicle, appearing innocent – a family traveling from a PA (Palestinian Authority) area to Jerusalem, only to learn they were carrying the weaponry.

Border police at the a-Zaim Checkpoint, which is near Maale Adumim, instructed a suspicious driver to pull over for inspection. The driver elicited the suspicions of border police, and when he was instructed to open the trunk, a suitcase was detected and two M-16 automatic rifles were inside in addition to another automatic weapon. There were 15 magazines and a large quantity of 5.56mm bullets, which are used for the M-16s.

The bomb squad was summoned to the scene to check the contents of the suitcase. Police arrested the parents, both in their 20s and residents of Anata.

B’chasdei Hashem, an attack may have been averted as these guns were obviously enroute to a yet unknown destination, possibly for use in a terrorist attack or for sale to criminal elements.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. With hundreds of cars passing through that checkpoint daily, Hashem nudged the police on duty to suspect something was wrong davka with this car. Amazing!! Hodu Lashem Ki Tov!!

  2. To Mr. Frum guy:
    This has nothing to do with being Frum.
    Any person in his right mind knows very well that G-D was the one who made sure that his children will not get hurt.

  3. And yet the world yells about these very checkpoints, that the poor Palestinians are humiliated and inconvenienced!

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