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Barak Visits Kedoshim Family Following Fatal Attack

Making a condolence call to Kibbutz Kfar Aza after a Hamas rocket claimed the life of community resident Jimmy Kedoshim late Friday afternoon, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told reporters that despite the painful realities, we must act “wisely and responsibly to bring an end to the attacks.”

Kedoshim was gravely wounded in the rocket attack, succumbing to his massive injuries a short time later. He was 48-years-old and the father of three. The family dog was also injured by shrapnel and has undergone surgery for his injuries.

Kibbutz residents expressed anger over continued statements and rhetoric from ministers, but the cabinet continues to tie the hands of the IDF, blocking a major military offensive against Hamas.

Residents of the Greater Sderot Area were pounded with close to 30 rockets on Friday and Shabbos, as Hamas continues to launch attacks indiscriminately, targeting civilian communities on a regular basis.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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