Gedolim Warn of Chinuch Atzmai Bankruptcy

elyashiv.jpgHaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita and HaRav Aryeh Leib Shteinman Shlita are calling on the tzibur to open its pockets and contribute to Chinuch Atzmai, stating the Torah education organization is in dire straits.

The rabbanim Shlita point out the organization has a current debt of $3 million and the tzibur must come forward and meet the needs to keep the critical operation alive.

It appears that as a result of the fiscal crisis, some of the transportation services for students are being halted due to the inability to make payments.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. I buy a lottery ticket every Tuesday and Friday for the Mega Millions drawing. I will publicly state my offer that if the Rabbonim will be “poeil a yeshua” and intercede on my behalf so that I win the jackpot, I will donate 20% to Chinuch Atzmai or 10% of any smaller amount won.

  2. How about 90% to Chinuch Atzmai and they will be “poeil a yeshua” and donate 10% to you?
    Do you honestly think that with a miracle of winning the lottery you are doing such a chesed and mitzva of maser.

  3. It is unfortunate that many of the Yeshivos in America are hurting as well and the whole system is in danger of bankrupcy, schools and parents. The extra burden of the community and inlaws having to support thousands of kollel couples is straining some families to the breaking point. Perhaps the gedolim should start allowing vocational training in Eretz Yisrael so that those people who do not want to be in kollel can be skilled enough to get jobs and are not just thrown out into society with no way of making a parnasah.

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