A Chareidi man in his 20s was arrested on Thursday night on suspicion of being involved in four fires that broke out on Thursday in Chareidi neighborhoods of Jerusalem. The man later admitted to being responsible for the huge blaze on Sorotzkin Street earlier this week as well.
Israel Police carried out a search of the suspect’s property and discovered flammable substances in his possession as well as a communications device that is believed to belong to a rescue organization.
The suspect aroused suspicion when he showed up at the scenes of several fires on Thursday night on an electric bike and photographed the fires. Initially, the man told the police that he was taking photos of the fires in order to post them on a local news WhatsApp group. But as the police persisted in detaining him, he resisted and began attacking the police officers. Riot police were called to the scene and detained the suspect.
The suspect was transferred to investigators for interrogation, where he initially denied any connection to the fires. But when he was interrogated for a second time, he not only admitted to the fires but provided all the details of the series of fires he started.
He also said that he suffers from pyromania (an obsessive desire to set fires) and in light of his claim, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, which on Friday approved an extension of his detainment for four days, also ordered the suspect to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
“We operated tonight [Thursday] at a number of fires that broke out in a very short time at a number of adjacent streets,” said a Fire and Rescue commander. “The firefighters worked quickly and professionally and prevented serious harm to people and property. Such a large number of fires in a small area with similar characteristics quickly made it clear that this was a case of an arsonist who had been roaming the area and setting fires. We summoned the fire investigators to the scene and reported our suspicions to Israel Police and sure enough, we were informed later that night that a suspect had been arrested.”
The series of fires that broke out on Thursday night in Jerusalem began at 9:30 p.m. at 9 Sorotzkin Street, the same street where a huge blaze occurred earlier this week. Residents reported that the electrical cabinet in a residential building was on fire. Firefighters and MDA paramedics arrived at the scene and evacuated the residents from the building. Several children received medical treatment due to smoke inhalation and two were evacuated to the hospital in light condition.
Another incident occurred shortly before midnight, when firefighters were called to a street in Ezras Torah, where a bus had caught on fire. Firefighters quickly subdued the fire and fortunately, the incident ended with no injuries.

At five minutes after midnight, firefighters again responded to a call in Ezras Torah, where a fire had broken out in an electrical box in a residential building. Fortunately, the firefighters quickly subdued the fire and no injuries were reported.
A fourth incident occurred shortly later in a residential building nearby. When the firefighters arrived, the fire had already spread and thick smoke filled the entrance to the building, trapping the residents inside their apartments. Fortunately, firefighters subdued the fire and no serious injuries were reported.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
5 Responses
Who knows how many trash cans burnt in Yerushalayim attributed to Kanaim were the results of this maniac…
Does burning in hell for destroying so many lives not sound ironic?
What is shocking? Pyromania is a known affliction, and Charedim are no more immune to it than the rest of us.
Why do you have to say that he is Charedi? If he were Cholini would you say that? There have been serial chiloni arsonists, rapists, and robbers. I don’t see articles about that.
Of course there are no articles when it is a chiloni – it happens all the time. Davka because the crime rate is so low (almost non-existent) in the charedi world, that it is a news sensation when, on the odd occasion, a charedi is involved with a crime.
Reading between the lines, it is a back-handed compliment to the Charedi world.
That is what Limud haTorah and Shemiras HaMitzvos does. An entire society is living proof.