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Terrorists Firing Forth Generation Kassam Rockets

Security officials confirm reports that on Monday, Hamas terrorists once again broke records, firing a forth generation Kassam rocket which traveled 17 kilometers (10.2 miles), significantly extending the previous model’s capabilities of traveling 12 kilometers (7.2 miles).

The experts are not at all surprised, having predicted the current reality, adding that photos of the recent rocket launches exhibit a ‘cleaner’ and ‘more accurate’ takeoff from launchers.

Officials add that while the Grad Katyusha rockets have a longer range than the Kassams, capable of traveling 20.4 kilometers (20.2 miles), terrorists have a limited supply and therefore, at least for the time being, use them more sparingly as opposed to the seemingly unlimited supply of Gaza-manufactured Kassam rockets. In addition, terrorists are now capable of launching numerous rockets simultaneously.

In the meantime, residents of the Greater Sderot Area have come up with an idea in their ongoing struggle against the government’s inaction in the face of increasing attacks. They have declared a new state, the State of the Western Negev & Gaza Periphery Communities. For now, they plan to print identity cards, to hold meetings, protests, and boycott all official representatives of the government.

Ofir Lieberman, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Am and a leader of the new state explains that “the government has compelled the move, not us.”

The first step taken is already operating, the publication of a daily newspaper for area residents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The first step taken is already operating, the publication of a daily newspaper for area residents

    Can you please subscribe Dov Hikind to their list? I’m sure he wants to be up to date. Do they have an e-mail service,too?

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