Hundreds of thousands of Daf Yofi lomdim will soon complete Maseches Beitza and begin the next Masechta.
In honor of the occasion, the Kedumim farm in the Shomron did something unique, they printed the words: “Hadran Alach Maseches Beitza – Chizku V’Imtzu” – From the chicken coops of Kedumim.
In an interview with Kol-Barama Radio, the farm’s manager Tal Gilboa said: “We truly rejoice with Am Yisrael and want to be mechazeik Am Yisrael and lomdei Torah. Our goal wasn’t to promote our business but to bring happiness to lomdei HaDaf Hayomi.”
Gilboa added that someone even called him from New York and asked for eggs.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
2 Responses
What an egg-cellent idea!!
“Hold and adopt?!”