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The Segulah To Be Spared From Arab Terror Attacks

Biala Rebbe (Shuki Lehrer); Menachem Englander.

Following the murderous terror attack in Bnei Brak last week, the miraculous story of MDA paramedic Menachem Englander who was saved from almost certain death, was publicized on Israeli media.

Englander, a Bnei Brak resident, heard the shooting from his home and immediately went out to the street. There, he encountered the terrorist pointing his gun straight at him. Miraculously, although he tried shooting Englander several times – while Englander recited Shema Yisrael – his gun jammed. Englander fled the scene, ran back to his home, locked the door behind him, and called the police.

According to a B’Chadrei Chareidim report, the day after the attack, Menachem’s father, HaRav Yoel Englander, who serves as a Moreh Tzedek in the Gerrer kehilla in Haifa, called the Biala Rebbe of Ramat Aharon to thank him for saving his son in the zechus of a segulah that the Rebbe wrote in his sefer Iyunei Halachos.

In the sefer, the Rebbe had written that he asked permission from HaGaon HaRav Elchanan Halperin, z’tl, of London to publicize the segulah he told him in name of the chachmei Sephardim in Yerushalayim. The segulah is that when one is required to wash netilas yadayim without a bracha, such as leaving the bathroom or cutting his nails, he should be careful to immediately wash his hands thoroughly, three times on each side, without talking in between. “This is an excellent shemirah from murder by Yishmaelim – it’s tried and tested,” the Rebbe wrote.

Rav Englander told the Rebbe that he had read about the segulah in his sefer ten years previously, and since then he and his family members have been makpid on this and he attributes his son’s survival to the segulah.

According to the report, the Biala Rebbe’s son, HaRav HaGaon Avraham Abish Rabinowitz, was also once saved from a terror attack. He was on Rechov Herzl when it began and he fled inside a building.

Someone else who says he is makpid on this segulah and was saved from a terror attack is HaRav Yisrael Cohen, the son of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe. Twenty-two years ago, an Arab tried to stab him with a knife and he was miraculously saved from harm.

On Shabbos, Menachem sponsored a large Kiddush in the Gerrer shteibel on Rechov Abarbanel in Bnei Brak in gratitude to Hashem for his miraculous escape.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. I think that we may have an additional Segula. Let us try what they did during the days of King Achav. There was peace amongst Klal Yisroel, no one snitched on the Kohanim, no one told the queen Izevel where the Kohanim were hiding. 99% of Klal Yisroel got along with each other-zero snitching- and the Kohanim survived.
    Due to this tremendous Achdus, Hashem made sure 1 million percent that from the Jewish nation no one got hurt from the enemy. I repeat, no one was able to hurt the Jewish nation because there was zero fighting amongst them during the days of King Achav.

  2. The biggest miracle is that this headline was ‘communicated content’ and the segulah mentioned is completely free without any association to an organization.

  3. It may be true that it’s a segula, but what of the people who were killed? Who’s to say they were not makpid on this mitzvah also? There is a lot that goes into the cheshbonos of H’ and though it’s important to be strict in shmiras hamitzvos, we have to realize that it’s not necessarily based on one thing. Being a korban, H’ yerachem, doesn’t mean the person was lacking. We just can’t know. We just have to do our best and leave the rest to H’.

  4. Maybe he was saved because he saved others, as an MDA paramedic, מדה כנגד מדה?

    I guess that is too straightforward for some people, who prefer more convoluted ideas.

  5. Can someone please clarify? Does it mean no talking from when leaving the bathroom or cutting his nails until after one finishes washing, or just while actually washing each hand 3 times one shouldn’t talk?

  6. If you read the actual letter in Hebrew that is printed above, I think he means to say that even 1 time washing is enough, but you need to make a Netillas Yadaim right away. Don’t push it off for in 10 minutes from now or I will wash in a half an hour.
    After sleeping then you need 3 times washing. After going to the bathroom, most people do a Netillah one time. If you have a different Minhag, that is fine and I respect all Minhagim.

  7. I think these guys have too much time on their hands. He was saved b/c Hashem wanted him saved . Maybe he helped an old lady cross the street or he let some one in front of him at the super or on the highway or maybe he smiled at someone and made their day etc ect ect. no one knows y? Good night folks

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