Gemara Shiur Between Two Ministers

gemara.jpgIn what appears to be a regular chavrusa is a most unlikely duo is now a weekly gemara shiur between Justice Minister Daniel Friedman and Shas’ Yitzchak Cohen, the minister of religious services.

Apparently, according to a Yediot Achronot report, Cohen quoted a gemara during a cabinet meeting and Friedman marveled at his statement, leading to the two learning with one another, which led to a weekly gemara shiur now attended by a number of yeshiva bochrim too.

Cohen is quoted by the newspaper as saying “I marvel his abilities. His level of understanding is fantastic.”

Cohen’s son, a student in Chevron Yeshiva is present at the shiurim, giving over the halachic aspect of each sugya.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Friedman has been a traditional guy, brillant head and has always appreciated the depth of torah.
    #4 is that a compliment????

  2. I have a very secular friend who is in Law school here in Israel and she had to learn some Gamara as part of her law school training.

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