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Even Liberals Found Themselves Under Attack On Yom Kippur


As YWN reported, leftists prevented Yom Kippur tefillos from taking place on erev Yom Kippur and Motzei Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, tearing down a makeshift mechitzah and engaging in clashes with the mispallelim.

But who were the mispallelim? Sadly, it was truly a war between brothers as those davening at an outdoor minyan on Yom Kippur were secular Tel Aviv residents who were interested in partaking in the kedushah of the holiest day of the Jewish year.

In a video that spread on the web [but has since been removed], one of the mispallelim can be heard yelling back at the “protesters:” “I protest every Motzei Shabbos at Kaplan. I’m a high-tech person, secular, I live here in Tel Aviv.”

“I fight for democracy with you every week, and one day of the year, I decide to put on a kippah, then suddenly, I become ‘You?’ Explain to me, you enlightened leftists, who are ‘You’? When you say ‘You,’ are you talking about the kippah?”

Many Israelis commented on the video that people are beginning to realize that the entire “protest” is against Judaism.

One secular woman wrote about the video: “I totally relate to this video. I also used to support the meaningless protests until I saw the truth. In my view, this is the most powerful clip since the beginning of the protest!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I don’t understand how you can think that the entire protest are against Judiasm. First of all, many frum Jews participate in the protest. Secondly, the reform has the potential to seriously harm Israel’s economy and international perception, all Israelis can protest the affects of that. Thirdly, if you ever go to these protest, you see a handful of protesters with balck shirts that say “no democracy with occupation.” But the majority of protesters are chanting “democracy”, are carrying Israeli flags, and sing Hatikvah before every protest. If you would only focus on the small black shirt protesters then you will get a totally false perception of what the protests are about. Same thing here when you only focus on the small numbers of extremists.

  2. Daaaaaaa????
    This has been Lapid, Barak, Olmert mission from start.
    The atomic bomb of birth rates was out before they started.
    Destruction of Religion from the within and from out. Judicial powers within and the Powerful EU and US NGO’s from without.

    They WILL ban Circumsissions, Shabbos, kosher, and sponsored Mikvah.
    Worse then the Greek, Roman and yup the guy in Germany.
    They are already taking away power from Rabbanout and religious ministries slowly and as you see people can’t even daven in public without their (government/ legal) paid thugs destroying YOM KIPUR.

  3. Dan the Kapo,

    How dare you think you can slide back in and post after ignoring all of the hatred, violence and Holocaust comparisons perpetrated by your woke coreligionists. You are a vile little quisling who always defends our enemies and you deserve the same bitter end such scum ultimately come to.

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