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What Did Hamashgiach Rav Segal Say About Being Saved From Travails Of War?

Thousands of people recited Tehillim and accepted Ol Malchus Shamayim at an atzeres tefillah on Tuesday evening in the Beis Medrash of HaMashgiach HaRav Dan Segal in Yerushalayim.

HaRav Segal spoke about how to be mechazeik and be saved from gezeiros raos.

“Whoever says Amen Yehei Shemay Rabba with all his strength – with kavanah and in a loud voice, HaKadosh Baruch Hu says to the פמליא של מעלה: ‘See how my children honor me in this world’ and immediately stores away all the decrees since the purpose of the Creation is Kavod Hashem Yisbarach, and when there’s Kavod Hashem Yisbarach, everything else is nullified.”

Listen to the full sichah below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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