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IDF Eliminates Over 60 Terrorists in Jabaliya, Uncovers Weapons Warehouse

The IDF’s 7th Brigade has eliminated more than 60 terrorists in the past few days in the Jabaliya area, the military said Friday. The brigade, leading a divisional-level offensive, has been fighting in the city center and has encountered dozens of terrorists, initiating contact and eliminating them through ground and aerial operations.

According to the IDF, the 7th Brigade’s fire control center directed dozens of airstrikes, destroying terrorist infrastructure and eliminating terrorists. Soldiers from the 101st battalion discovered a weapons warehouse containing dozens of long-range rockets ready for use, rocket parts, explosives, and other weapons. The warehouse was located just ten meters from a shelter complex, which had been evacuated and where 20 terrorists were apprehended.

In addition, forces found and destroyed a rocket launcher in the area. The operation, which began less than a week ago, is ongoing, with soldiers still exchanging fire with terrorist cells in the area.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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