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AMID WAR: Labor Chairman: “Don’t Do Reserve Duty Until The Gov’t Changes”

Former MK Yair Golan, who was elected as the new chairman of the Labor party on Tuesday evening, called for IDF refusal at a recent conference, Channel 14 News revealed on Wednesday.

In a recording of the Choosing Leadership conference, Golan is heard calling called for “widespread civil disobedience” in order to topple the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. When asked to provide examples of civil disobedience, he responded: “Civil disobedience is, for example not reporting for reserve duty until the government changes.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called on Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara to open a criminal investigation against Golan, who has a history of calling for army refusal and other illegal actions.

The Im Tirtzu movement filed a complaint with the police against Golan for sedition. “Golan has been calling for civil disobedience, army refusal, and breaking the law for almost a year and is inciting the public,” the complaint stated.

In July 2024, Golan said that “the real war is against the government and not Hamas or Hezbollah” and that serving in the “battle” for Israeli democracy is more important than serving in the IDF.

On Thursday afternoon, Channel 14 reported that Israel Police opened an investigation into Golan’s statements. However, this is not the first time that an investigation has been opened against him and no action has ever been taken.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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