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Israel: HaShovas Aveida With Tenacity

wallet.jpgFour years ago, Ronit Cohen and her husband were shopping in the area of a Ramat Gan shopping center before Pesach. When they left the store, on the way to their car, Ronit placed her wallet on the roof of a vehicle. They drove off, forgetting the wallet. By the time they realized their error; they backtracked but never recovered the wallet.
Later that night, Oren Yosef was in the area on his scooter, and he found the black wallet which did not contain an identity card [which also has an address] but it did contain a large quantity of cash and a number of shopping cards and a membership to a shopper’s club. He assumed the poor owner must have received a quantity of money to shop for Pesach and lost the cash.
For the last four years, he continued his efforts from time-to-time to locate the owner. This included trips to the Interior Ministry, where clerks explained they cannot release information, phone calls and other efforts, until through a chain of events; he learned the name of the owner, Ronit Cohen.
He then would phone Bezeq Phone Company information and take the number of three Ronit Cohens at a time, until he phoned hundreds, leading to the owner.
On Monday, the met and he returned the wallet. Oren stated it was most emotional for him, and the happiness was pure when he realized he finally found the right Ronit Cohen. He declined to accept the NIS 300 offered to him by Ronit for returning his wallet, explaining this Rosh Hashanah will be special for him since he completed his mission.

NOTE: Always remember that the YWN Hashovas Aveida feature is available on the left side of the homepage – listed under “Community”, or click

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. BARUCH HASHEM. Oren Yosef is a true example of how Jews need to behave. Hatzadik Yosef, may HASHEM bless you with only sweet din and may the merit of your action hasten the end of our terrible galus and bring moshiach today.

  2. BS”D

    They could have moved since they joined the shoppers’ club – few people want the junk mail they get from those memberships so if they even give an address to begin with they don’t care to update it.

    Alternately the shoppers’ club could have folded in the years since the wallet was lost – that happens quite a bit.

  3. “They could have moved since they joined the shoppers’ club – few people want the junk mail they get from those memberships so if they even give an address to begin with they don’t care to update it.

    Alternately the shoppers’ club could have folded in the years since the wallet was lost – that happens quite a bit.”

    well no
    the question is why didnt he go to the shoppers club the day the wallet was lost then found? or within a few days. there was no reason for him to wait years to go there. the article states he found the wallet the same day it was lost.
    the explanation must be something else, perhaps they would not release that personal information.

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