Police to Increase Patrols in Gush 80

mishtara.jpgAs a result of a rash of burglaries, elected officials of Agudas Yisrael turned to police who have promised to increase visible and hidden patrols in Gush 80 and Ezras Torah areas of Yerushalayim.

Shlomo Rosenstein met with police officials, who promised to increase their presence in the neighborhoods. Residents are also requested to exhibit increased vigilance.

A fair number of the break-ins were on first floor apartments, using keys that were ‘hidden’ in homes. Police urge residents not to hang keys in site and to attempt to be increasingly careful regarding locking one’s home and so forth.

Police add there may be an erroneous assumption among residents that police do not bother to investigate break-ins and this is not the case, stressing everything possible is done to apprehend perpetrators.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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