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Eldad Pushing Bill to Even the Score with Terrorists

MK (Ichud Leumi) Prof. Aryeh Eldad on Wednesday told Israel Radio he is trying to push ahead legislation that will even the score between Israeli prisoners and terrorists held in Israeli prisons.

Eldad explained that if a soldier, such as Gilad Shalit, is held by a terror organization, in this case Hamas, and he not permitted any visitations, including the International Red Cross, then Israel should respond with the same treatment for terrorists held from the same terror organization.

Unfortunately, Kadima MK Tzachi Hanegbi who heads the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee stated he will not push this along because he realizes the attorney general and judicial system will not support the move and as such, it is pointless to attempt to advance the bill.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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