To Whom Did Barkat Acquiesce? Chareidim or Secularists?

hafganah1.jpgThe buzz is already palpable in Jerusalem as the news of the planned opening of a parking lot this Shabbos begins to spread.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat announced on Monday that he is opening a lot to accommodate drivers visiting Yerushalayim on Shabbos, as he said he would, despite unrelenting objections from the chareidi leaders.

Barkat tried to negotiate using private parking lots instead of a municipal lot, but it appears he is unsuccessful, with at least one lot owner explaining he supports the religious status quo and is not about to involve himself in the heart of the dispute between Jerusalem City Hall and the Eida Chareidit.

Both sides are accusing the mayor of caving in, with secularists angered over the closure of the parking lot over recent weeks, while chareidim accuse the mayor of acquiescing to secular pressure to operate the parking lots on the holy day.

The mayor’s office has indicated a parking lot will be available to motorists visiting the capital on Shabbos but as to which lot, this will only be announced closer to Shabbos.
From the Eida camp, there is already talk of planned protests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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