Mazuz: Deri Not Clear for Public Service Just Yet

deri2.jpgIn a not so surprising move, State Attorney General Menachem Mazuz announced on Sunday that he believes Aryeh Deri is not yet permitted to reenter the political arena, explaining his moral turpitude stain only expires in September 2010.

Mazuz explains that the seven-year period in which Deri cannot serve in a public post begins with the date of his release from prison, and that period does not take into consideration his early release for good behavior.

Seeking to exhibit a modicum of impartiality, Mazuz added that he will only investigate the matter in depth if and when it becomes relevant.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Do you think that the Brits cleared Ben Gurion for higher office? What about George III clearning Washington, Adams and Jefferson? To this day, the Israeli left mourn that they didn’t ban Begin when they had a chance.

    In democracies, the ownly disqualification to holding public office is inability to convince to voters to elect you. While the zionists claim their goal is a state that is Jewish and democratic, it is neither.

  2. Akuperma, the British would never have cleared Washingtopn, Adams, or Jefferson for public office in that each was considered a traitor to Britian. Is this what you are saying about Aryeh? Was he really guilty or was he set up by a dishonest government or government official?

  3. Deri you would make an unbelievable Rebbe, Kiruv lecturer or Yeshiva administrator. As Pirkei Avos says, ‘stay away from politics’.

  4. #4- if your goal is a secular zionist state, then Deri is a bigger threat than Washington, Adams and Jefferson together (they all wanted to be good Brits, and independence was “plan B”). A Jewish yishuv is Deri’s “plan A”, and that is why they see him as a serious threat (unlike most Hareidi politicians who are only concerned with the survival of their own kehillah).

    Zionism is on a course that will lead to disaster, so its pikuach nefesh to divert them to a course that will lead to a frum community in Eretz Yisrael that is self-governing, under Torah and at peace with the goyim. The alternative is another holocaust.

  5. akuperma:
    In the US, a felon can lose the right to vote. A felon can be banned from practicing as a lawyer.

    I don’t understand why you (and so many others) support a ganav just because he wears a black hat.

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