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Ignore the Problem & Blame the Rabbis!

While it is a well-known fact that soldiers and officers in the IDF are expected to refrain from publically expressing political opinion while in uniform, it is also an equally well-known fact that the 2005 Disengagement Plan was a colossal failure, but nevertheless, one is forbidden to express such views, views that are contrary to the position of the nation’s leaders. Such views are unpatriotic, and place one in the category of supporting the 1995 assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. It is a package deal. One either supports the expulsion of Jews from their homes in Israel or one becomes a de facto part in the conspiracy that claimed the life of Rabin.

While viewed an “extremist” by many, Ichud HaLeumi opposition party MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was quite accurate when calling upon Defense Minister Ehud Barak to take a break and reflect, to enter into an honest self-evaluation regarding the mission of the IDF, the body that in the past served to prevent Israel’s enemies from actualizing their mission of destruction. The expulsion in 2005 however created new realities, unwanted by many, using soldiers of all walks of life to remove Jews from their homes, and to reduce their communities to piles of rubble, including shuls, yeshivas, mikvaos and event exhuming bodies, disturbing the neshamos from their eternal rest, all in the name of “peace”.

The army responded following Monday’s latest display of brazen insubordination, this time, another battalion in the Kfir Brigade, with soldiers of the Nachshon Battalion raising a banner of disobedience, stating they will not remove Jews from their homes, joining soldiers from the Shimshon Battalion who recently did the same during a Kosel swearing-in ceremony.

Barak and his commanders however are not about to enter into self-evaluation, refusing to acknowledge any error in judgment, turning the tables, accusing “the rabbis” of brining this unacceptable reality upon us.

The soldiers from the Nachshon Brigade who on Monday brazenly hung a banner opposing expulsion were court-martialed and sent to prison for 30 days, reduced in rank and removed from their operational combat posts.

Unfortunately, anti-Semitism at times stems from among our own people, and not only is it tolerated, but respected and exalted, enjoying the validity of the nation’s right-wing government, led by those who also raised their hands in support of the 2005 Disengagement, albeit with hesitation, but nonetheless, voting in favor and taking part in the Gaza and N. Shomron communities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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