Druse MK to Face Indictment for Contacting an Enemy Agent

Druse MK Said Naffaa told the media the reason he is being indicted is simply because he is a member of the Druse community. He will face charges of contacting an enemy agent in connection to a 2007 visit to Syria, during which he met with the deputy head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He also tried meeting with Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Meshal, visiting his office, but was unsuccessful. He also tried meeting with other senior terrorist personalities.

Naffaa released a statement to the press, that in cases dealing with other MKs, such allegations were dismissed but here, dealing with a member of the Druse community, he is being indicted for fulfilling the duties of his office, nothing more.

Naffaa does not address the fact that his official request to travel to Syria with Druse religious leaders was denied by the Ministry of the Interior, but he traveled to Damascus anyway.

Naffaa left Israel via Jordan, then contacting Syrian officials and making his way to Damascus, aided by former MK Azmi Bishara, who is wanted by Israeli authorities after it was learned he passed intelligence information to Hizbullah.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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