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Outstanding Leadership Award to President Shimon Peres

The University of Haifa will award the “Outstanding Leadership Award” to President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, during the University’s 38th meeting of the Board of Governors, which will take place on June 1-3. The award will be conferred upon the President in recognition of his ongoing service to the State of Israel, with self-sacrifice and endless devotion.

This is the first time that the University of Haifa is presenting the Outstanding Leadership Award – conferred upon leaders who have made a notable impact on the development and strength of the State of Israel. President of the University, Prof. Aaron Ben-Ze’ev, stated that it was most natural to choose the President of the State of Israel, Mr. Shimon Peres, to be the first recipient of this award.

The Outstanding Award Committee also noted Mr. Peres’ great contribution to Israel’s security and international status; his uncompromising struggle for secure and just peace between Israel and its neighbors; and his inspiring work for society and the economy. It also noted Mr. Peres’ being a man of vision, working untiringly for the welfare of the citizens of the State of Israel, looking to the horizon while keeping his feet firmly on the ground; and the importance that he places on the central and vital role of science and research in the State of Israel, in the awareness that the fruits of investment in higher education today will be reaped by us all tomorrow.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem / University Spokesman)

2 Responses

  1. Shimon Peres deserves this award and our respect. He is one of the key architechts of the Israeli State, responsible for many of the initiatives that have allowed Israel to prosper and become a full fledged member of a modern global economy. You may disagree with his politics but he has devoted his every moment to Eretz Israel.

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