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IDF and Settlers Repair Desecrated Arab Graves

ybn cover new.jpgThe world condemned the desecration of Arab graves on Thursday evening by Jews who went on on a pilgrimage to the Kever of Yehuoshua Bin Nun (as reported HERE on YW). Many websites condemned the actions of this group of Jews who engraved the words “death to the Arabs” onto an approximated 10 graves. Late last night a group of IDF soldiers and settlers repaired all the graves damaged and apologized for their actions.

Yeshivaworld would like to know if all the news agencies who were quick to condemn Israel will report this as well.

6 Responses

  1. YW also calls them “Settlers”??? Although you take the news from Leftist sources, like Jerusalem Post, YNet and Haaretz; as a religious Jewish media, you do not have to use such a negative terminology. These Jews living in their JEWISH HOMELAND are as legal as those livingin Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv and you wouldn’t say “Jerusalem Settlers” or “Tel-Aviv Settlers”. Would you? Be careful how you phrase your articles.

  2. I also wonder if the world will condemn all other desecration of jewish graves in “israel” by the Israely gov. and in europe vilna etc. ?What a double standred.

  3. I don’t see why they bothered to repair the graves. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.

    The Arabs and the world will only remember the negative anyway.

  4. Frum Jews should not be complaining about double standards vis-a-vis the nations of the world. We all know that “dog bites man” is not news while “man bites dog” is. The world holds us to a higher standard and we should attempt to live up to it.
    BTW I always wondered what they engrave on an Arab tombstone; maybe something like “May He Rest in Pieces”.

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