New Attacks Against Jews On Har Hazeisim; Israeli Government Seen as Delaying Completion of Proper Surveillance System

Visitors to Har Hazeisim were attacked by Arabs on Friday and on Motzoei Shabbos, according to eyewitness reports received by the International Committee for the Preservation of Har Hazeisim. Two cars making their way to Har Hazeisim on Friday were met with a barrage of rocks as they attempted to make their way up the mountain. Three windows were smashed and the visitors barely escaped the onslaught. Another attack occurred on Motzoei Shabbos less than 200 feet from the gravesite of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Avrohom Lubinsky, chairman of the International Committee, said that the Israeli government must assume full responsibility for these attacks. “The snail’s pace of improvements has not led to increased security,” he said.

The Committee also reported that the government would not meet its self-imposed deadline of March 1st for the completion of 200 surveillance cameras. Elad Kendal of the Jerusalem Development Authority has now pushed back the deadline to June 1st, which Mr. Lubinsky called “unacceptable and irresponsible.” Mr. Kendal also revealed that officials were searching for a new site for a police station on Har Hazeisim. However, officials acknowledged that no final decision has been made. The Committee is pushing for the immediate deployment of a police garrison on Har Hazeisim as well as the closing of the three major access points to neighboring Arab villages.

Mr. Lubinsky revealed that he will be meeting with Israeli government officials next week to lodge a protest on the ongoing desecration of graves and continued violence against mourners and visitors. He said that the outrage over the government’s continued inaction is “growing from day to day amongst a cross section of world Jewry.” Jewish media throughout the world is now routinely covering the disgrace on Har Hazeisim. He warned that if those interred in the 3000 year-old cemetery “can’t rest—we will not rest.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Sorry guys,
    The Defense Minister(lol)Barak is too busy supervising the beating of religious young (and old) people who are out trying to build up the Shomron to deal with this.

    Anyway, it’s much easier to bring his KGB yassamniks in the middle of the night to beat on them and destroy their homes than to face the wrath of Sheik Obama by cracking down on the yishmaeli savages that are attacking Jews and damaging kevarim on Har HaZeitim.

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