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This Purim Join Tehillim United!

We want YOU to be a part of Tehillim United!

On Purim night, thousands of women and girls from across the globe are going to unite to harness the power of Tehillim on Purim. The goal of Tehillim United is to have the Sefer Tehillim completed hundreds of times on Purim as a zchus for Klal Yisroel.

Here’s how it works: sign up before Purim for a yom l’chodesh. You will then receive a text/email/call with your assigned yom and the information about the Tehillim United live teleconference. 

The teleconference will take place on Leil Purim. Thousands will say their tehillim in the allotted time slot which will be followed by words of bracha and inspiration from Harav Malkiel Kotler and Rebbitzen Rena Tarshish.

The tehillim can be said anytime throughout Purim. The power here is in the numbers!! So please pass on this information to everyone you know, post it on chats, spread the word, so that together we can unite in this incredible zchus.

Sign up now: Text the word tehillim to 732.838.9800 or visit 

If you do not have access to any of these options then you can sign up by calling 732.523.5812.

Tehillim United is hosted by Kupas Yom Tov. To find out about sponsoring and having a part in this tremendous Zechus please call 732-334-0050 ext 5.

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