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Monsey residents – R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlita answers 5 questions

kanievsky.jpgThese five questions were asked to Reb Chaim Kanievsky Shlita 45 minutes ago:

#1-Should children fast? No.

#2-If one does NOT live in Monsey should he fast also? No. This is for the people of Monsey ONLY.

#3-If a Doctor tells someone not to fast, what should they do? Learn Hilchos Ma’acholos Assuros.

#4-Young Yeshiva Bochrim who will be up saying Slichos this Motzei Shabbos, and fasting on Sunday will affect their learning – what should they do? Fast a half a day.

#5-Being that there are no Yom Kippur Kotton Tefillos said in Tishrei or Cheshvon, what should one do? He should be Mikabel on himself this Sunday to keep the Yom Kippur Kotton of Kislev – with a half a day of fasting (on Yom Kippur Kotton of Kislev).

YW Editor.

5 Responses

  1. can the questiong be asked to Harav Chaim. What if a person does not live in Monsey however his parents do and he ate in there house. Therefore he might of eaten Ma’acholos Assuros. should such a person fast and what can he do for a caporah.

  2. the limud of hilchos ma’acholos asuros is a zchus and not a chov. It may even turn us into talmidei chachomim and tzadikim.
    the seforim say that these accidents only happen when there are underlying problem in hashkofa
    maybe we were slack in hechsherim, ever-indulging in gashmiyus… the list is long, and every person has the ability to delve into his deficincies
    כתיבה וחתימה טובה

  3. Who spoke to Rav Kanievsky Shlita?… Is this in writing….
    I don’t mean to be skeptical but this situation has me questoning everyone

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