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Monsey Rabbonim talk about the **”rumors”**

There is a letter that is being formulated at this time amongst the Monsey Rabbonim for their signatures. The letter will I”H be published on Yeshivaworld later today, but I was informed by the Rabbonim involved that I should please let everyone know ahead of time what it says.

The letter basically says that due to the fact that this issue does not only involve Monsey but is a WORLDWIDE issue, (due to the fact that people had bought meats at Shevach and travelled across the world with it; & are now Kasher their kitchens.

At this time, the Rabbonim are not issuing any P’sak Halacha regarding ANY other food establishments. 

There are many rumors being spread around the Frum communities regarding the Kashruth at various food establishments. This is concerning the Rabbonim. There ARE establishments that are being investigated at this time, but for people to spread rumors is blatant Lashon Horah, Motzei Shem Ra, & is hurting peoples livelihoods.

If and when there are any establishments which turn out to be problematic, they will inform the Tzibbur. They will also inform the Tzibbur if any establishments are “rumored” to be problematic – and turn out to be no problem at all.

The first one on the list that the Rabbonim would like to publicize of having ZERO connection of being part of this conspiracy is Alle Processing / Meal Mart. They have been checked out and have been cleared of all suspicion..–YW Editor.

One Response

  1. The problem is that the tzibur is afraid that information which is important will be withheld or swept under the rug. When stories come out about incidents which happened years ago and Rabbonim took an ambivalent stand it pretty much says it all.
    If it is the tzibur’s welfare which is primary, why are there no tikkunim being put in place to prevent this from happening again.
    All we hear are about meetings and fasting. Let’s fix the Hasgacha industry so that there are rules that everyone must follow.

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