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WATCH: Actor Dresses up as Ebola-Infected ISIS Terrorist and Succesfully Crosses into the United States

9 Responses

  1. Excellent video, true to life.
    We are open to several 9/11 attacks without air flights!!

    Does anyone protect the AMERICAN BORDERS? Guess the answer is zero!

  2. 1. Canadian actors are not a know threat to American security

    2. If the person had Ebola, they would not be a threat – and the person wouldn’t be sitting up.

    3. If ISIS was sneaking someone into the US they would wear a very proper business suit and come through an airport with a valid travel document. Not hard to do.

    4. Homeland security is wise to concentrate on real threats and ignore comic pseudo-terrorists.

  3. this video operates under the assumption that america isnt monitoring the ebola virus or isis. this guy is a nobody and therefore got in

  4. how can you even ask that question? with barack insane Obama as president, we are never safe, a person that:

    1)does not care about the country that supposedly he is running due partially cause he is a muslim & can never go against his brothers even if they are terrorists, but plays along like he is trying to stop these muslim terrorists.

    2)is always on vacation golfing with his Hollywood acting friends. i.e. his entire time as president is entirely fake, just playing a game of enjoying it & vacationing no matter if the entire goes into a crisis C”V he will not stop his vacation

    3)many other reasons to many to list. YOU are never safe as long as he remains in the white house.


  5. It’s a bit misleading. After all, this presumed terrorist would have to get into Canada in the first place. He might not need a visa, but then again he doesn’t need one to get into the USA either. But he would need to get through passport control. He would also need to get his ricin and Ebola virus stuff through customs (okay, that wouldn’t be so hard.)

    Anyhow, why would he need to go to Canada and cross Lake Erie? He could just go straight into Cleveland from wherever he’s coming from.

  6. May more ISIS terrorists get infected with Ebola.

    That said, the “border security” stuff is pretty much nonsense. The 9/11 terrorists all entered the US legally. The last cross border terrorist infiltration into the US was in 1916 (Pancho Villa).

    ” he is a muslim”

    Ah, the Andy Martin trolls are back. Martin is the anti-Semitic perennial candidate for public office who came up with the “Obama is a Muslim lie” and admitted it was a hoax a few years alter. He has run for public office in Illinois, Connecticut, and Florida and Baruch HaShem has never gotten elected to anything. Today he is a candidate in the Republican Primary for the US Senate from New Hampshire, may he get so few votes that he retires along with his internet trolls.

  7. The point was not the Ebola virus or the ricin. The point was that if a terrorist – let’s say, maybe, like one of the 17 or so Canadian Islamists who were plotting to behead the Canadian Prime Minister? – wanted to get across the border long enough to do some serious damage, he wouldn’t even have to bother with customs, or passport control, or anyone else.

    The other point is that with major weapons getting smaller and smaller, all a boat would need to do would be to get close enough to the United States, not even to enter. As for getting caught, many of these people are suicide terrorists, they have nothing to lose.

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